A DBA, or doing business as, is a trade name or business name used by companies that don't want to operate under their registered name. This is commonly referred to as a Fictitious Business Name by state governments and you often are required to register these names. Sole Proprietorships and Partnerships often file for DBA's so their business does not operate under their legal name.
How to File a DBA Name
DBA requirements vary by state, county, city, and business structure. But in general, registering a DBA comes with paperwork and filing fees anywhere from $10 to $100. You’ll either go to your county clerk’s office to file your paperwork, or you’ll do so with your state government.
Learn more about DBA's and filing from Fundera.
What do I do if my state does not require a DBA?
While many states do not require them, it is still recommended that you file for a DBA to better protect yourself and your business. Regardless of your state, Novo does require proof of a DBA for all accounts who wish to use your DBA with your account. For businesses located in Kansas, please contact our support team and we'll be happy to help.